name | view | about | languages |
personal site | link | the site you are currently on | rust, typescript, python |
pseudo pseudo code | link | working version of the teaching language in my previous computer science syllabus | rust |
Totally True Stats | page | simple AI-enabled tool to generate silly statistics | typescript |
CIE AL CS | link | code to understand for my previous computer science syllabus | python |
Cosmic Corp LLC | link | fun game made by 8 people over a week for the Major Jam 4 | C# |
Jam Out! | link | nice game made over 6 days by two people for the GJL game jam | C# |
Pumpkin Boy | link | quick game made by 4 people over 48 hours for a game jam | C# |
ulina site | link | archived website, discord bot and database for a community world-building project | typescript, C#, rust |
Ulina Time Converter | link | basic executable to convert time to a community's world building universe | python |
name | level (1-5) | projects |
rust | 4 | personal_site, pseudo_pseudo_code, ulina_site |
python | 3 | personal_site, CIE_AL_CS, Ulina_Time_Converter |
typescript | 3 | personal_site, Totally_True_Stats, ulina_site |
C# | 2 | Cosmic_Corp_LLC, Jam_Out!, Pumpkin_Boy, ulina_site |